Sunday, April 29, 2012

Junior High continued...

I love Junior High! All the big kids pushing us around, the food being rotten, the colorful mouths, the fighting, and the teachers being mean and strict. It is the best part of the day in my opinion. I wake up at 6:50 a.m. jumping for joy knowing that I will get pummeled by a ninth graders.

I am just kidding. I really do LOVE Junior High! The food is WAY (emphesis on the way.) better than the Elementary school's, the teachers are amazing(some don't care if you have a phone in class as long as it stays in your pocket), and there is only a few kids pushing us around. There isn't anyone swearing(so far). I really do wake up at 6:50 but not for the same reason. I see some of my friends either by my locker(because they are right next to me), on the bus or at class. I have even made new friends Karli:), Natalie, Sydney, Celest, Lauren, Cassidy, and Shelby.

We have four classes each day. All of them 80 minutes long. We have what you call a every other day schedule or A day and B day. That means that we go to four classes one day and four different classes the next day etc. My favorite is A day. We also have 1st and 2nd lunches. 1st lunch is inbetween the four classes. 2nd lunch is about halfway into the third class. What lunches (yeah that's right lunches, remember A day B day)do you have you might ask. Well I don't mean to brag but, I have 1st lunch EVERY day. Most of my friends have that to.

Next we move onto the mascot. We are the............................................................................VIKINGS!
I know right awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Wrong the viking is a BOY! So what are girls chop liver or what! I would have stuck to something that boy AND girls could relate to. The colors are cool though: blue, white and black. The school itself is actually very nice. Way better than, the other school.

Next subject lockers. They are awesome. They are like finger breaking machines. Every kids dream. Some are so messy no one can open them. Mine I don't want to talk about I am so ashamed. Just kidding I share my locker with my best friend Ariana so technically I have two lockers. I have only had my locker slammed about 5-6 times and 3 out of the 5 times it was a kid I didn't even know. All the seventh graders have lockers on the top floor which is nice.

Lastly flex time. See we have this time before lunch where if you have a color slip of paper that mean you have passing grades then you get to go do activities like watch a movie, sit in the lunch room and talk, basketball, dodgeball, ect. but if you have a white slip your dead. No fun for you today. That means you are failing a class and have to go sit with that teacher and do your missimg assignments, study, or read. Cruel right. I have to admit I have had a couple white slips myself because I was gone somedays. other than that I am good to go to flex.

Sevies or 7th graders

I haven't done very good with keeping up on my blog so here are some updates on live here at PG.

First of all school. I am a sevie(sev-ee)! That's the 7th graders nickname at our school. That's right I'm a junior higher! I love JH! I have made many new friends and hang out with them everyday at school. My classes are awesome too. Well most of them. My favorite class is orchestra. I play the violin. The teacher Mr. Beck is the best in the school. He is always doing fun things and making everyone laugh. My least favorite class is utah history. I have my own locker which is a plus because I don't have to dig through 500 backpacks to get to mine and carry a ton of books.

Second update sports. I am still playing soccer, but I am on a different team. GO NORTHERN PEAKS!! We are a AAA D5 team. I play midfield wing. My number is 2. So far we have won 2 games and tied 2.
Coincidence? I also tried out for cheer. I made it on the squad but I had to chose between soccer and cheer and you know what I picked.

For Christmas we got a dirt bike. You'd think that would be cool, and it is, but when you have a 6 foot dad and a little 70 dirt bike picking you up from school it isn't a good mix. It's like a panda riding a miniture pony. We also got our first horse! Everyone was excited except mom. She groaned as we pulled up to our house with a trailer complete with a horse in it. Hickory Jack Flash or Jack is a bay quarter horse. He has a black mane and tail and a brown coat. On his nose there is a white stripe where he likes to be pet. He has done well since he moved into the pasture which is a block away. He has made many friends too. On the other side of the fence there are three horses that he stands by 24/7. We have a pasture behind our house with four horses in it. One day they got out and walked around our neighborhood. When our neighbor found them they were with Jack and the three other horses. We have been working on getting another horse for Jack but so far no luck. Maybe it's because my dad and I are picky.

Last update injuries. This year we haven't had any broken bones, knock on wood, and if you know the Blakes thats a miracle. But we did have an incident last night. While climbing some stairs in the garage, Leah tripped and cut her head open above her eye. A neighbor came over carrying Leah and her bloody forehead. She had to go to the ER and get seven stitches.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Science Fair

My school has a sixth grade science fair, so of course I had to do it.  My experiment was based on popcorn.
What I did was I popped three brands of popcorn Orville Smart Pop, Pop Weaver, and Pop Secret.  Then I counted the popped and the unpopped kernels.  Next I  recorded the results in a pie and bar graph.  The winner was Pop Weaver( the least expensive), second was Pop Secret, last was Orville Smart Pop.  now you may think that was a piece of cake , and it was, but the hard part was the actual day of the science fair.
I had to repeat that whole process over and over again to about 500-800 kids!  A lot right.  It took about the whole day to get through it all.  After that my voice ached, my back hurt, and my bottom was sore.  I can defiantly can wait until the next fair.   Oh and I forgot I had tried to do another experiment, but it never worked.  Another thing there was only three more days left until the science fair.  So I had to come up with a whole other science fair project.  Idea..........................................POPCORN!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Basket Ball Game

My family and I went to the BYU basket ball game last night.  We all had a blast.

Carli's First Blog

This is so exciting!  I am finally starting my own blog.  I can't wait to start getting into it.

Today is Christmas Eve and my family and I are getting a few more presents and things ready for Christmas.  You would think that (since I am usually a couch potato in the morning) that I would be sleeping in until 9:00am, but your wrong.  Today I woke up at about 8:00am because of the whacking of hammers against wood and what not.  Oh I forgot to tell you we have someone building a house two inches away from us.  I went down stairs and was surprised  to see my mom in the office.  She woke up because Leah kept throwing up candy and sweets.  My dad wasn't  awake yet do I took advantage of that.  I hurried and got all the supplies I needed and wrapped his present.  I won't tell you what it is because he will probably read this.  When my dad finally did wake up he got dressed in his work out clothes and Luke, Tanner, and I all tried to do P90X with him.  I gave up on it about  five minutes into it.  Yep, just a normal Christmas eve day for us.  Not!